Forthcoming in:
Allium, Concision, Denver Quarterly, ink in thirds, Kenyon Review, Killing the Buddha, & The Shore
Prosetrics: Winter Blessing (print)
Bear Review: Two Miami Sonnets
The Tiny: Definition, History, Technique & Is this a question
MILK PRESS: Five Little Essays
Inkwell: Batting a Hundred (print)
The Indianapolis Review: Meditation Near an Air Mattress
Radar Poetry: Aromatase Inhibitor (nominated for Best of the Net)
GRIST: How We Flounder Here on Earth (print)
Sixth Finch: The Poet Said
NELLE: My Heart & Damage (print)
The Elysium Review: In Her Altogether (nominated for Best of the Net)
DIODE: Hymn to Life & The Shelling
Oversound: Ars Poetica (print)
American Poetry Review: Title with a Little Sorrow & Faintly, Briskly (print)
STILL: My Mother’s Refrigerator & three more (nominated for Best of the Net)
berlin lit: This was awkward
West Trestle Review: Twenty-two
Heavy Feather Review: A Day at the Beach (with mini-interview)
Hex: The Bird & Art
Ghost City Review: Dear Doctor
Whale Road Review: 103 Pine Ln.
Poetry Northwest: twenty & Blip
Rogue Agent: The Pain Scale
Between Paradise & Earth (anthology): The Origin of Birds
Beyond the Frame (Diode Editions): Strong Women (print)
The Arts Fuse: Time
Iterant: Theory & Ghazals w/ Zoë Ryder White
Trampoline: Amazon & Humiliation
Sixth Finch: Steam & Incandescence w/ Zoë Ryder White
Birdcoat Quarterly: Spiral (a lyric essay)
CALYX: The Paper Anniversary (1 & 5) (audio of print)
SWWIM: Something like Gratitude
On the Seawall: The ‘Gfit’
Jellyfish Review: An Intrusion of Alliums
Drunk Monkeys: Companions
The Missouri Review: Having Purged
The Laurel Review: Condolences (print)
Mid-American Review: Days (print)
Anti-Heroin Chic: The Paper Anniversary (2, 3, & 4)
Thrush Poetry Journal: This Strange Garment
Great Weather for Media: The Parable of the Baker (print)
Tupelo Quarterly: Watching the Livestream of my Daughter’s 8th Grade Shark Dissection
Conduit: Within Reach & Cavity (print)
Colorado Review: Henry River (print)
Plume: poems from griefbeing
Five Points: Being that it is Late, Shadow, & Proof (print)
MER Summer/ Girl Folio: summer sorrows
BOOTH: There is No Happiness
PENN Review: The Marble & The Fly and P.O. Box 246
EcoTheo Collective: O god of
Witness: A Difficult Day (Spring 2022)
Ocean State: Blood Work (Vol. 11, No. 1)
ANMLY: Warming Meat for my Husband, Anne,
Mississippi Review: True Story w/ Goat (50th Anniversary Issue)
Juniper: Sunday Morning
Plume: Collaborative ghazals w/ Zoë Ryder White
Sixth Finch: The Cat is Black &
On the Second Day of the Third Decade in the 21st Century
River Mouth Review: Letter Composed from my Junkmail
East West Literary Forum:
Russian Translations of “The End of the Pier” and “The Origin of Birds”
One from Jacar Press: Summer, seizing
On the Seawall: Collaborative ghazals w/ Zoë Ryder White
Kenyon Review: Listen Here.
grief being a procession of people, grief being thin as an envelope,
grief being a moveable city, grief being a pink pearl
Artist-In-Residence at Asterix, Spring 2021
Boog City: True Story w/ Liger
Zócalo Public Square: At Blue Lake
Sixth Finch: Collaborations with Zoë Ryder White
Salamander Magazine (purchase print issue #52):
To Get to the Other Side and The Fog
Fledgling Rag (purchase print issue #21):
grief being its own sort of desire, grief being rather equine,
grief being made of mesh, Sometime during the war
Leavings: 1978
Bear Review: from Yesteryear
THRUSH: Equine Behavior
GASHER: I all but missed the magnolias…
MORIA: “Revelations” & The Shadows
Trampoline Poetry: Woman with Bright Spots
Court Green: The Bachelor & Brad Pitt
softblow: from Yesteryear
Harbor Review: River of the Estranged City w/ Zoe Ryder White
BOMB Magazine: Everything is Temporary
Northern New England Review: The Afterlife
The Night Heron Barks: flowering
elsewhere magazine: True Story w/ Giraffe
Parentheses: Morning
MER VOX “Nurturing through the Pandemic:” from Yesteryear
What Rough Beast: from Yesteryear
Dialogist: some psalms
The Ilanot Review: from Leeore & I
On the Seawall: Weapons & The Sentence
Mississippi Review: Leeore & the Sparrow
Welcome to the Neighborhood Anthology: Marriage
TYPO: Birthday
Foundry: girlhood
Cagibi: In the Parking Lot of the Stop & Shop I Concede to the Afterlife
Copper Nickel: Jan. 10 & The Women
Unbroken: Three Craft Talks
Lunch Ticket: The Examination
Juked: from Elsewhere
Failbetter: from Leeore & I
Boog City: city & body
Streetnotes: Two poems & a photograph
Hobart: Tinker to Evers to Chance
Poets Reading the News: The Fable of the Bees
The Tiny: Beachcombing at 44
Guesthouse: The Women Compensate for the Movements of Man
Glass Poetry: Pushing Distance
Sixth Finch: Poems from Elsewhere w/ Zoe Ryder White
Pithead Chapel: Terrible Things
Snow: An Essay & The Day after the Day without a Yesterday
previously published poems re-reprinted by the Academy of American Poets:
The Origin of Birds, Lesson Three, dwelling
Tin House: Burrow & Evenings
The Shallow Ends: True Story w/ Horse
SWWIM: August Still
Construction: July 2, Jan. 15
Entropy: Four True Stories w/ Birds
Poets Reading the News: The Drawer
Plume: Song
Diode: Four poems from Translucence
Academy of American Poets: Marriage
Rise Up Review: Me Too
Across the Margin: Four Poems
The American Journal of Poetry: Recovery
Muzzle: all the good poems these days
SWWIM: Imagining Summer 2467
Scalawag Magazine: from chigger ridge
The Stick & While Commuting I Think of Taxidermy and Desire
YES Poetry: from PRIME
Academy of American Poets: The End of the Pier
STILL Journal: from chigger ridge
as a finalist for the Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize
Rise Up Review:
Message shoved into an empty bottle of Rose
and tossed into the Hudson on a sad summer night
Photo courtesy Amy Williams
SF&D: Diction (Video)
Academy of American Poets: Fable
tinderbox: domesticity & conference
Talking Writing: How to Imagine a Fractal
Blunderbuss: Step 9
PANK: Jetlag
Literary Mama: Two Truths and a Lie & In the Country
Tryst: The Thief
The Stirring: Near Dusk